Women Feature Wednesday – #WFW


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My names Haline and im so excited and honored to be on The Virtuess BLOG. Seeing my best friend/sisters dream come true has really been a thrill to watch. Dreams most certainly do come true if you work for it and Sandy certainly is a product of that. We all have dreams, some of you may dream of becoming a world known makeup artist, singer, hairdressers, fashionista, lawyer, doctor  or all the above, but it comes down to us all having dreams. To be able to dream is having the capacity to know you can get there.  It may seem impossible, but in your heart and mind you know you can accomplish it. One of my favorite quotes   states that “The word impossible is not in my dictionary.” . We really can never go wrong with dreaming. I believe that there are no coincidences in this life and that everything one way or the other happens for a purpose. When we dream we build a purpose inside of us, when we dream it drives us to be more than what we are.

To be totally honest, I struggled with my dreams for a very long time, not knowing if i could ever accomplish anything, but the truth is, we are our greatest battle. I may not know exactly where  i want to be in five years but i know believing in my self will get me there. If you believe you can, and you most certainly will. Our dreams become who we are when we fight for them, when we turn our dreams into goals. Your dreams can be anything, but like style its individual. You choose your style and you dream your dreams. But believe in them and be confident in them as you would your favorite outfit.  But if your ever in doubt heres a little motivation.

First from Scripture –  Mark 5:36 “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

Another from an inspiring woman who did a lot in her life time  – “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” – Audrey Hepburn

Never be afraid to dream, Lots of Love